Programs for Civil Servants

The Institute regularly offers civil servants various training courses and programs relating to foreign policy and international relations.

Georgia’s Foreign Policy and Its Priorities

Specifically designed to suit the needs of civil servants, this course involves many ambassadors and heads of various research centres. This course will give you valuable insights into Georgia’s foreign policy and all other important issues civil servants must be aware of. The content covered by the course varies widely running the whole gamut of diplomatic and political themes: the conflict between Georgia and Russia, including the latter’s illegal activities and occupied territories; our country’s multilateral relations, including the EU, visa-free travel and migration issues; topical issues of international law and Georgia’s NATO integration process; Georgia’s relations with the neighbouring countries; parliamentary or cultural diplomacy; diplomatic protocol and etiquette; cybersecurity and related issues.
The starting point of the lecture course will be the diplomacy of the independent republic of Georgia during the years from 1918 to 1921

Course Duration: 60 hrs

Upon completion of the course, participants will have an understanding of:

our country’s foreign policy and its priorities ◦ relations with neighbouring countries ◦ issues relating to Georgia and Russia ◦ NATO and EU integration ◦ diplomatic protocol and etiquette ◦ cultural diplomacy ◦ development of diplomacy in Georgia